I just wanted some advice for Becoming an early childhood teacher.

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I just wanted some advice for Becoming an early childhood teacher.

Post by vincitytaymodaimo » Thu Sep 27, 2018 6:15 pm

I was talking to one of the mums at work last week who is actually an early childhood teacher. She's been qualified as a teacher for 3 years now and hasn't been able to find a permanent job working in a school or private school kindy, and has only been able to get contract work. So it got me thinking about what I'm going to do when I complete my degree.

I've enjoyed working in a centre in the past, so I think I will want to be a teacher at a child care centre. I've seen a lot of the early childhood teaching jobs being advertised in centres so I think I'll have a better chance of finding a permanent full time job at a centre rather than a school. Does anyone know what centres look for when recruiting teachers? Does it matter what jobs you've had in the past? I'm asking because currently I'm working at a private school kindy as a casual relief worker, but it's not enough hours for me as I only work a bit in the school holidays and if someone is sick/away. There's another job that I want to apply for which is for a casual assistant at the uni crèche. They offer short term care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years for a max of 3 hours. The job is for 3 hours per day Monday to Friday. I'm thinking the crèche job will fit in better with my uni schedule as I'll only be working for 3 hours a day, rather than working full days sporadically at the kindy. I also miss working with the younger kids. Also, I really need to be making more money as my partner and I want to buy a house and get married, and we won't be able to do any of those things if I keep working at the kindy.
So, my question is, which job will be looked on more favorably when I go for teaching jobs in the future? The private kindy or the crèche? Or doesn't it matter?

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Re: I just wanted some advice for Becoming an early childhood teacher.

Post by Lorina » Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:43 pm

It doesn't matter what types of jobs you have had previously... if you have had previous experience working with younger children then it's a bonus for you.

I think getting a job as an ECT in an early childhood setting is probably easier than trying to find a job at a primary school. The demand is more at the moment for ECT's in childcare.

As an ECT qualified Educator, you also have the option of becoming a Director of a centre, which gives you the responsibilities of running a service on a day to day basis. So, that's another option to consider.

At the moment, I would probably get your experience up, find a suitable position that enables you to fit work and study then see where it leads you...

Hope this helps!


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